Twitter Reacts To Sean Spicer's Resignation -- And Frankly, More People Will Miss Melissa McCarthy On SNL!

The White House just lost its spiciest press secretary in history. Period.
On Friday, it was announced that Sean Spicer had resigned from his role as White House press secretary because he “vehemently disagreed” with Donald Trump appointing Anthony Scaramucci as the new communications director.
But really, we just think he finally broke down after months of trying to make Drumpf appear sane and presidential. Can you imagine such a task?
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Naturally, Twitter had a lot of feelings about the talking wad of gum finally leaving his post.
Not because Spicer will be missed, but because it means no more of Melissa McCarthy‘s hilarious impersonation of the hot head on Saturday Night Live!
See the best reactions to Spicer’s departure (below).

Be free, Spicy!
[Image via C-SPAN.]