Sean William Scott Talks Dirty Deets On American Reunion!

With the original Pie cast reuniting for American Reunion film, we’re all ready for the top notch raunch we loved about the first movie.
But we CAN expect those same kinds of laugh, right?
We know the cast is older now, but you guys haven’t gone limp on us, riiight?
According to Sean William Scott, hellll no!
The actor talks dirty:

There’s a lot of nudity, but we didn’t want to do anything just to make it gross.
It was all about story. We have to have heart, but obviously it’s going to be outrageously funny.
I loved the idea of playing Stifler again now that I’m older and my sense of humor has gotten weirder, and to see that character at 30, 32….
I don’t know if I’ll ever do a funnier movie. I think it’ll be the best comedy I’ve ever done and by far the best American Pie.

Jussst what we like to hear. None of that sequel disappointment crap that so many franchises fall into…