The Second Season Of Serial Is Here! Get The First Episode & Find Out About The Controversial Story Of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl!

Serial turned into quite the cultural phenomenon back in 2014 — and now the hit podcast is back!
The second season of the Sarah Koenig-hosted program returned with a new episode on Thursday morning, and the team has a whole new crime to dissect!
The podcast’s sophomore season will address the story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — who was charged with deserting the U.S. Army in 2009 while deployed in Afghanistan!
Related: Serial‘s Second Season Finds A New Home At Pandora!
The interviews with Bergdahl were recorded by screenwriter Mark Boal, who is conducting research for a movie and allowed Serial to use them.
In the first episode, Bergdahl recounted the moments right after he left his Army outpost in Afghanistan. He said:

“Suddenly, it really starts to sink in that I really did something bad. Or, not bad, but I really did something serious.”

After leaving his outpost, Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban, where he was held prisoner for five years. He remembered his time there:

“I would wake up not even remembering what I was. I couldn’t see my hands, I couldn’t do anything.”

The sergeant was released in a controversial prisoner swap on May 31, 2014 that involved the trade of five former high-ranking members of the Taliban government from the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay!
The Army is currently holding preliminary hearings to decide whether Bergdahl will be found guilty under military law. But you can find out all about it this season HERE.
Do YOU think season 2 of Serial will be just as popular as last?
[Image via Getty Images.]