Sexual Addiction On The Verge Of Official Mental Disorder Label

There are at least a few of you out there that don’t believe that sexual addiction is a real thing, and you’re sitting there snickering away over how it’s just an excuse to be as sexually promiscuous as possible.
Well, what if we told you it’s on the verge of being labeled an official mental disorder? There is a difference between being way into sex and being addicted to it.
Here’s how a source defines it:

A patient diagnosed with HD would typically experience “recurrent and intense sexual fantasies, urges, and behavior” for at least six consecutive months. Their hypersexuality would be uncontrollable and distressing, interfering with their normal life and leading to the possibility of self-harm. The disorder would only be diagnosed in patients over the age of 18. The disorder can take the form of masturbation, pornography, sex “with consenting adults,” cybersex, phone sex, “adult entertainment venues/clubs,” or ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ because some things you just can’t anticipate ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ “other.”

Just because there ARE some d-bags out there that will claim this disorder to keep being a d-bag, there are those that are truly tormented by it — people who will fall into a depression and self harm over it, those who will ruin relationships with loved ones, lose jobs, and have lives destroyed because of it:

“[A]bout 28 percent of the patients interviewed had contracted an STI at least once. Almost 40 percent had ended a relationship over their behavior, while most said they had emotionally hurt a loved one (and for 68 percent, they had done so several times). Over half lost money, and 17 percent had lost at least one job. These are also signs pointing to disorder, as is the way they tended to understand their actions: 78 percent felt that the behaviors associated with their hypersexuality had interfered with healthy sex.”

These are the kinds of people that need help. They’re the ones that will benefit the most from an official mental disorder label, and a defined set of diagnosis criteria.
Sex addition, or hypersexual disorder, is real and these people deserve to be helped!
[Image via WENN.]