Shayne Lamas Is Naming Her Daughter 'Press' After The Attention Her Pregnancy Got

Another creative celeb baby name!!
Shayne Lamas, daughter of Lorenzo Lamas and star of the Bachelor has revealed the name of her unborn child.
The name was inspired by all the incredible attention Shayne and her hubby recieved from announcing they were knocked up. She said:

“Her name came to us at the beginning of my pregnancy, because she was getting so much press. It started as a joke, her nickname was ‘Press Baby,’ but when we found out it was a girl, suddenly that was her name – her name was going to be Press! I think Press is a beautiful name, we’re elated, little princess Press!”

What a… inneresting name!!
Whatever, they’ve never been a typical couple. They married at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas in April, within just hours of meeting one another.
Shayne is due make her big Press release 11-11-11.
[Image via WENN.]