Shia LaBeouf's Freak Out On LSD Will Deter Anyone From Drugs, Says Rupert Grint! Find Out What Happened HERE!

Could THIS be the explanation to Shia LaBeouf‘s recent actions?!?!
Rupert Grint recently spoke about what happened when Shia dropped acid for the film they’re starring in together, The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, and it sounds like Shia was acting prettttty cray while on LSD.
Though, he’s been acting pretty odd WITHOUT the help of LSD, what with all the retirement announcements, declaring he’s not famous, hiring a skywriter not once but twice, plagiarizing Daniel Clowes, and everything else he’s been doing.
Anyway, the former Harry Potter actor revealed that seeing Shia drop LSD in preparation for his role was not the most enjoyable experience.
He said:

“He smashed the place up, got naked, and kept seeing this owl. If anything will make you not do drugs, it’s watching that.”

Sounds kind of terrifying, if we’re being honest!
Maybe Shia’s started seeing that owl again and that’s why he’s been pulling all these stunts?
At least Shia’s LSD fueled “method acting” will keep Rupert away from drugs!