Shia LaBeouf IS Being Sued By Daniel Clowes! Releases The Cease & The Desist Letter On Twitter! See It All HERE!!!

OH MAN. This is just getting ridiculous!
We knew it was all downhill after he plagiarized Kanye West‘s infamous 2009 apology to Taylor Swift!
Shia LaBeouf hasn’t been quiet about apologizing to Daniel Clowes for plagiarizing his work.
Well, it looks like his apologies weren’t enough because there is now DEFINITELY a lawsuit in the works.
How, you ask?
Well Shia just took to Twitter to post pictures of the 3 page cease & desist letter sent by Daniel’s lawyer today in regards to Shia’s newest dig tweet.
He posted this:

Which. obviously, prompted Daniel’s lawyer to respond with the C&D letter seeing as Daniel Boring is ANOTHER one of the authors works.
While the whole letter is a goldmine, and basically calls Shia out for a lot of bullshiz, our favorite part just might be the ending when the lawyer is being straight up and about the actor to his lawyer.
He said:

Your client is seriously out of control. He must stop his improper and outlandish conduct directed at Mr. Clowes and his works, and your client must take all necessary and appropriate steps to redress his wrongs. We have been waiting since December 27 to hear how Mr. LaBeouf intends to make right, but all that has happened is further wrongful acts, such as described above, and more foolishness such as Mr. LaBeouf’s New Year’s Day sky-writing frolic that exposed Mr. Clowes to further ridicule. Leave Mr. Clowes alone, and address and fix these problems immediately.

Well! At least someone is calling him out on his ridiculous behavior!
You can read the letter in full (below)!!