Shoeshine Man At Children’s Hospital Donates All Of His Tips To The Kids! After 30+ Years He’s Given…WHAT?!?

For more than three decades now, Albert Lexie has been offering shoe shines at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh at UPMC. But this week, the 71-year-old put away his polish for a well-deserved retirement!
The developmentally disabled worker has been doing more than just shining shoes though. He’s been taking the tips he receives and quietly donating them to the hospital!
ALL of them.
Now, after 32 years on the job, Mr. Lexie has given more than $200,000 to the hospital’s Free Care Fund, a program created to ensure that all children, regardless of their families ability to pay, are given the medical treatments they need.
Hospital president Greg Barrett described just how much Albert has contributed to the facility, saying:

“He raised $750 his first year and he is now up to $10,000 to $15,000 a year in tips. One of the things that nourishes Albert is he gets a chance to talk to families and see where his money is going. It├óΓé¼Γäós going to be very hard when he is gone.├óΓé¼┬¥

Albert, we wish you a happy retirement! But even more, we applaud you for your remarkable generosity! The gift you gave to so many children in need fills our hearts with joy!
Way to go!!!
Ch-ch-check out the video of Albert’s last day at work below!

[Image via Facebook.]