15 Shortest Marriages Of Tinseltown!

Ah, love. You can never tell if it’ll last forever, a couple weeks or a mere 55 hours!
But hey! Shiz happens, right??
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are definitely on our list for one of the shortest Hollywood marriages around.
They may not have had the SHORTEST Hollywood marriage in the history of Hollywood marriages, but 72 days is pretty damn short!
Wouldn’t you agree??
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ‘Shortest Hollywood Marriages!’
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ‘Shortest Hollywood Marriages!’
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ‘Shortest Hollywood Marriages!’
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ‘Shortest Hollywood Marriages!’
CLICK HERE to see the gallery, ‘Shortest Hollywood Marriages!’
[Image via Pacific Coast News.]