Channing Tatum & Jude Law Get High On Their Own Supply Of Hotness In Side Effects!

How did director Steven Soderbergh fit this many pretty people into the same film!?
Side Effects is a cautionary tale of prescription medication gone tragically wr… Oh, who cares what it’s about!?
For fifteen bucks next month you can share a dark theater with Jude Law, Channing Tatum, and a bucket of deliciously oily popcorn — does the film’s plot really matter?? LOLz!!
Ch-ch-check out the super suspenseful new international trailer for the flick (above) — watch it on mute if you want, we won’t mind!
The beautifully talented Catherine Zeta-Jones and the alluring Rooney Mara also star in what looks to be a more seXXXY & stylized version of Bradley Cooper‘s Limitless!
Mmm… February 8th can’t cum soon enough!