Scarlett's On Team Obama

Scalett Johansson has been campaigning for Barack Obama in Iowa.
The Obama campaign avoided publicizing her appearance or involving her in the official program, but ScarJo spoke at a small gathering to rally young voters.
Update: reader Alex was lucky enough to meet Miz Johansson.
This is what he has to share:
“OMG! I met her and she was sooo cute and nice. She signed an autograph and took pictures. She was nervous and sweet but fun and honest. I loved it. There were only about 6o people in the room. It was surprisingly intimate, which was really nice. She joked, luaghed and was just an all around normal, cordial and intelligent person. I really respect her now not only as an actress but as a person for putting her celebrity behind Obama’s campaign. Screw Oprah (blaspheme, i know!) Scarlett got my vote for Obama!”