Snooki Owns Up To Being An 'A**shole' In The Process Of Planning Her Wedding! This Bride-To-Be Talks About Her Bridesmaids, Her Newborn Daughter & More!

Snooki is just about tie the knot after recently giving birth to her newborn daughter Giovanna Marie, and we couldn’t be more excited for her!
[ Photos: Stars You Never Knew Were Bisexual ]
With 15 bridesmaids, you’d think there would be a little bit of drama surrounding the upcoming nuptials, but according to Snooki, all the girls are really close to each other:

“Well, all my bridesmaids are my best friends that I grew up with since preschool, so everybody definitely gets along. We are all best friends and would die for each other, so having 15 girls as your bridesmaids is a lot, but I mean, we all get along, which is good.”

Well, phew! We’re glad that everyone is jiving with each other!
Although she’s getting along with her bridesmaids, Snooki did admit that she had some bride-to-be diva moments:

“I do it to my girls, just like being an a–hole. I am more just having fun with it and trying not to be stressed out.”

Well, who doesn’t have their bridezilla moments every now and then?
In addition to talking about her wedding, Snooki talked about how her son Lorenzo is getting along his new sister Giovanna Marie:

“He is in love with her and he definitely is not jealous yet. He’s more just very protective of her and always making sure she is OK. In the morning, he always comes in my bed and says, ‘Good morning, sissy’ and kisses her, so he is more in love with her right now….She is starting to have a personality where she is a little flirt and flirting with her daddy, so that’s really cute.”

That is so cute! Well, we wish Snooki and her future hubby Jionni LaValle all the best!