Snoop Lion Wants To Glam Up Reggae!

Wait a minute here, Snoop Dogg Lion (Snoop Logg?) — are you telling us that the world of reggae isn’t glamorized already??
Foolishnezz! LOLz!
Snoop wants to do a full reggae album — and bring the genre some much needed glam!
In a recent interview, he shared:

“Reggae is something that needs to be glamorized and that’s what I’m gonna do. I’ll always be Snoop Dogg, because that’s who I am. Snoop Lion is just what I’m called while I’m making reggae music.”

Honestly, we wouldn’t be against a reggae revival AT ALL!
Who doesn’t like to chill out once in a while?
Send us a sneak peek, Snooooooooooooop!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]