So, The Spice Girls Are Back. Perez Reviews Their "Comeback" Performance!

The Spice Girls performed “live” for the first time in nearly ten years on Thursday.

The ladies were part of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show at the Kodak Theater, which unfortunately, won’t air on TV for about two weeks.

It was great to see Emma, Geri, Mel B., Victoria and Melanie C. together on stage again.

Overall, their two-song performance was good fun. We were, however, disappointed that they were totally lipsynching. Both songs.

The girls’ first song was the best of their set. They did a spirited, lipsynched rendition of their classic Stop, dressed in a military theme and with some great male dancers.

After the ladies finished their first song they gave each other a big hug and breathed a sigh of relief.

Not too shabby – despite the lipsynching – for their first time out in years.

Their second song, current single Headlines, didn’t fare as well. Though it was a ballad and required no dancing, they lipsynched this one as well. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the boys or choreography to make this song as compelling.

They kinda just stood their in their gowns just pouting throughout the entire performance of Headlines – like mannequins.

Having said that, they did look AMAZING, although we don’t think any of their outfits were made by Victoria’s Secret.

If you are planning to go see the Spice Girls in concert, just go in expecting them to lipsynch. If they do, then you won’t be disappointed. And if they actually sing live, then it will be a special treat!

Speaking of singing live, Seal sang live. He performed a couple of songs, one of which featured his wife and Victoria’s Secret model Heidi Klum on vocals.├é┬á├é┬áAnd Heidi sang live too!

Heidi Freaking Klum can sing live and the Spice Girls can’t?????├é┬á├é┬áWTF???

And Heidi sounded good!

Will.I.Am opened the show, singing/rapping live. He did two songs, including the booty-shaking Got It From Your Momma.

Will replaced Kanye, who pulled out of his performance after the passing of his mom.

The Brazilians dominated the runway once the lingerie show got under way. And, it was a very fun experience.

We’re still excited about the Spice Girls tour, even if they lipsynch the entire show!