HELP! South Florida Soldier's Dog Goes Missing While He's On Tour Of Duty

Oh no!
Officer Luis Laos, currently at sea serving a tour of duty, has been informed that his beloved chocolate lab, Molly, has gone missing!
His sister broke the unfortunate news to him a few days ago that Molly went missing near the Tamiami Airport on Dec. 8, while the caretakers said they are doing all they can to find her.
However, the caretakers DIDN’T tell Luis his dog was in jeopardy!
Over the phone Laos told a news station:

“I’m offering a $1,000 reward, really no questions asked. I just wanna concentrate pretty much on the positive, and that’s trying to do everything I can from my end, even though I’m half a world a way, to try to bring her back home.”

His family is helping him find Molly by posting her picture on Craigslist and putting up fliers.
Check out the local Florida news report (above) for all the details.
If ANYBODY happens to come across the lost dog, take her to any Banfield Clinic or any PetSmart to check her chip.
We hope she turns up!