Soulja Boy Booted Off Plane! Guess What He Did!

He├óΓé¼Γäós a danger on the streets and now in the sky — only the sea is left!

Soulja Boy was Bird Walked off an American Airlines flight this weekend by authorities when he refused to take his seat before take-off.

Come on, Soulja — even Alec Baldwin was at least seated before he was removed!

Soulja continued to walk, stand, and futz with the overhead bin, even after a flight attendant told him personally to sit down, and eventually was escorted off the flight. Afterward, he said:

“It was a bad night and me and the flight staff didn’t see eye to eye. In hindsight, I’m extremely sorry for all inconvenience caused to the passengers and employees of the airline.”

We appreciate that he├óΓé¼Γäós penitent for the misbehavior — even if it is AFTER the fact.

But we CRINGE at the missed connections he may have caused!

We’ll be sending him our Denver airport hotel bill. LOLz!!!

[Image via WENN.]