Spears Spotted!! Britney Boozing It Up With Photog!!!!

Any sympathy we’ve accrued for Britney Spears over the past few days has quickly evaporated.
The out-of-control mother of two has come out of hiding.
Spears was spotted Sunday morning in Palm Desert, California, (near Palm Springs) with that shady paparazzo, Adnan Ghalib.
Unfitney and the photog had breakfast at the Daily Grill on El Paseo, where Spears was seen drinking a mimosa, champagne and orange juice.
Bitch is crazy! The LAST thing she needs to be doing right now is drinking, much less hanging out with that paparazzo!
It’s going to take more than prayers to help Britney. It’s going to take a fucking miracle.
How long until she’s dead???
We say by March!
[Image via WENN.]