Spice Girls Reunite & All Is Well With The World!

Are you having a good time? Do you notice you feel fine?
It’s because the stars have aligned to reign in a new era of peace and GIRL POWER!!
As you know, we’ve been waiting for this moment to happen for a looong time. All five Spice Girls together again?? Absolute beauty!!
We can only imagine the joy those in attendance felt when Baby, Posh, Scary, Ginger, and Sporty debuted their renewed togetherness.
Announcing the details of their upcoming musical, Viva Forever, the five treasures made June 26 one of the most important dates in history!
Melanie (Sporty) Chisholm promises:

“It’s better than we could ever have imagined.”

While Victoria (Posh) Beckham delights in knowing:

“It will be introducing a whole new generation to Girl Power.”

Sigh… true *MAGIC!*
And ya wanna know something extra amazing about this announcement??
It all took place at London’s St. Pancras Hotel, the same location they filmed their Wannabe video way back in 1996! AHHH!
Producer Judy Craymer couldn’t have said it better:

“I loved what the Spice Girls did for women’s confidence. There’s something very empowering about them.”

Oh! Absolutely!
Way before Destiny’s Child‘s Independent Woman, the Spice Girls were defining an entire generation of future female leaders! So we can only imagine the budding crop of strong beauties this rejuvenation produces!
[Image via Getty Images.]