Someone Very Close To Carrie Fisher Has Reportedly Been Cast As Young Leia In Star Wars Episode VII!

Carrie Fisher played one of the most memorable heroines in cinema history. And now she’s coming back to do it again 30 years later in Star Wars Episode VII!
But what do you do if the story requires flashbacks? Carrie had such an iconic look as Princess Leia, we’ll all spot a proxy in less than 12 parsecs! (OK, we still don’t know what that means…)
Well, J.J. Abrams has had a brilliant idea.
Carrie’s own daughter Billie Lourd has reportedly been cast to play a young Leia Organa in flashbacks!
Ch-ch-check out the pics (above) of Billie with her mom! They’re not exactly lookalikes, but we think she’ll do a good job! Especially once they get those buns on her head…
Do U think she’ll be a good Leia?
[Image via Delaney/WENN/Disney.]