Stars Who've Been Influenced By Marilyn Monroe's Style ... For Her 90th Birthday!

She would have been 90 today!
The incomparable Marilyn Monroe continues to grow her legacy even so many years after her death. She’s still a major influence for artists, musicians, actors, stylists, and photographers thanks to her iconic look.
Over the years, other celebs have oft imitated but never quite duplicated Miz Monroe’s certain “je ne sais quoi,” if you will.
But it’s been interesting to see them try!
Check out all the hopeful Marilyn doppelgangers in the gallery (below)!
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CLICK HERE to view “Stars Who’ve Been Influenced By Marilyn Monroe’s Style”
CLICK HERE to view “Stars Who’ve Been Influenced By Marilyn Monroe’s Style”
CLICK HERE to view “Stars Who’ve Been Influenced By Marilyn Monroe’s Style”
CLICK HERE to view “Stars Who’ve Been Influenced By Marilyn Monroe’s Style”