Steve Jobs Biography Sells Almost 400,000 Physical Copies In First Week

And that’s not including digital copies of the book!
It’s no surprise that the new Steve Jobs biography made a big splash this week.
The book just came out 6 days ago, but it’s already sold 382,851 physical copies, according to BookScan.
Priced at $35, Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography is a bonafide success in its first week of sales. It’s already the 18th biggest-selling book of the year in the U.S. and in the U.K., it became one of the fastest-selling book of all time selling 37,000 in five days.
And because Steve Jobs helped to create one of the most popular e-readers, the iPad, it’s a safe that that fans of the Apple creator most likely purchased that amount in digital sales too.
The man lead such an interesting life, we’re actually surprised the book didn’t sell more. We have a feeling that number is going to go way up.