Steve-O's Going To Jail For That Crazy SeaWorld Crane Stunt -- But He's Totally Fine With It! See His Response To The Sentence!

Steve-O captured everyone’s attention in August when he climbed on top of a construction crane with a giant, inflatable whale.
On Wednesday, the Jackass star shared that he had been sentenced to 30 days in prison for the stunt he pulled, which was all in the name of protesting SeaWorld‘s alleged animal abuse.
Related: Steve-O Remembers Late Jackass Star On His Birthday
The 41-year-old took to Instagram after getting slapped with jail time. But instead of ranting and raving about being incarcerated, he actually admitted he was pretty cool with it, writing:

“Considering I’ve become a clean and sober, dog-rescuing vegan, I must say I’m ready to go to jail– not just because it will bring so much attention to the plight of orcas in captivity, but because it’s nice to let people know I haven’t lost my edge. What can I say, I’m a jackass.”

We can’t really say we’re surprised he’s going to be behind bars. He was charged with five different misdemeanors because police mistook his grand gesture for a suicidal man prepared to jump.
But, Steve-O actually seems happy that he’s been sentenced, since he feels it gives his demonstration more meaning:

“My whole crane-climbing, fireworks debacle really turned out to be pretty meaningful in the end, too. I mean, if your goal is to make a statement about captivity, you may as well get yourself locked up!”

That’s actually a pretty valid point, and the TV personality is showing he’s truly committing to the cause by embracing prison, rather than b*tching about it!
In fact, he used this opportunity to fight for another issue near and dear to his heart:

“To help give back to the City of Los Angeles, I launched a campaign today to raise money for at-risk, inner city youth, by raffling off chances to win an all-expenses-paid trip to be my red carpet, VIP guest at the taping of my Showtime comedy special next month, which is called Steve-O: Guilty As Charged. There is a link to a new crazy stunt video I just made to let people enter to win in my bio. Los Angeles, I love you, thank you for everything!”

But the best part about his response? The caption went along with a cartoon of Steve-O and a whale chatting while they’re both in the pokey! Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

We love that he isn’t afraid to go to jail for standing up for what he believes in, and honestly, we’re really glad he only got 30 days instead of four and a half years!
[Image via Steve-O/Instagram.]