Survivor Contestant Has A Bug Crawl In Her Ear During The Season Premiere -- Watch The Creepy Moment HERE!

Talk about disgusting!
Survivor isn’t exactly known for being the cleanliest of shows, but a moment from last night’s season premiere sure gave us the heebie-jeebies!
Jennifer Lanzetti, a 38-year-old contractor from Salt Lake City, Utah, felt some pain in her ear during the first couple days of the competition. Normally, we’re sure there could have been several causes for the pain as the contestants are in a new environment under stressful circumstances.
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Unfortunately for Jennifer she discovered that a bug had crawled inside her ear and was setting up shop. GROSS!
To make matters worse, it wasn’t just discomfort for Lanzetti as she was obviously in quite a bit of pain from the experience and said she hadn’t slept much either!
Ch-ch-check out the disgusting moment (above) to see how it all gets resolved!
Make sure you watch Survivor when it airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS!