Susan Sarandon: The Government Is Tapping My Phone

Welcome to 1984!!
According to Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore, America has turned into a Big Brother government — and they’re being watched.
During a Q&A at the Tribeca Film Festival, two famous left political activist were asked if they are “under surveillance,” by the government. Sarandon told the inquisitive audience member:

“We know we’re under surveillance. I├óΓé¼Γäóve had my phone tapped. I was denied a security clearance to go to the White House and I don├óΓé¼Γäót know why.”

Susan didn’t go on to explain how she knows about the monitoring, but that is creepy as shiz!
Moore says he’s been a victim of the government as well. The documentary film maker says he has been the target of a “disinformation campaign,” controlled by powerful members of the federal government. He explains:

“I was told this by some people in the Bush administration. They went bonkers when Fahrenheit [911] came out and thought it would throw the election to Kerry.”

If this is true, it would make for a very inneresting new doc Mr Moore!
That is, if he’s not busy still making that movie about Occupy Wall Street….
[Image via WENN.]