Tanning Mom On Her Critics: 'They're Jealous, They're Fat, They're Ugly'

Patricia Krentcil, tanner extraordinaire, the New Jersey mother who pleaded not guilty to taking her 5-year-old daughter to a tanning salon, has LASHED out at her critics who say her skin color is gross.
Here’s what she said:

“They’re jealous, they’re fat and they’re ugly. There’s somebody out there my whole life who doesn’t like me. I’m a great mother, and I would never do that to my child.”

We certainly hope you won’t!
Otherwise you may be in some serious legal drama!
And we’re 99.99999% certain that there are no tanning booths in prison.
Although, maybe a lack of tanning booths in your life would ultimately be a good thing.
[Image via Pacific Coast News.]