Taylor Armstrong Tries To Settle Lawsuit With Fake Birkins!

Taylor Armstrong tried her darndest to fake it until she made it, but unfortunately she got caught.
Last year the The Real Housewife of Beverly Hills was sued for $1.5 million by MyMedicalRecords.com, who claimed her late husband Russell Armstrong pocketed money from investors to fund their lavish lifestyle.
After Russell committed suicide, MMR continued to go after Taylor because they believed she played a part in the embezzling scheme.
The Real Housewife quickly became desperate to settle the case and ended up forking over her $250,000 engagement ring and two Hermes Birkin bags, which turned out to be more fake than the entire 90210 zip code.
MMR’s CEO Robert Lorsch said:

“The Birkin bags turned out to be fakes from a real housewife. Knowing our experience with the Armstrongs in the past, we trusted very little so we add the [banknote] at the last minute when there was no paperwork on the bags. At the end of the day, I think we will do okay with the ring…it got the case settled. We didn’t want to go out and spend over $100,000 at trial and maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover [damages]. For us the chapter is closed.”

That’s just embarrassing, but at least the suit is settled and Taylor can move on.
[Image via WENN.]