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What Happened To Free Speech?? Sony Just Pulled This Taylor Swift Parody From YouTube! Find Out Why HERE!

What Happened To Free Speech?? Sony Just Pulled This Taylor Swift Parody From YouTube! Find Out Why HERE!

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Music video parodies way predate YouTube, but ever since the site’s inception anyone and everyone has gotten on the bandwagon!
[ Video: Baby, It’s Cold Outside Gets A Feminist-Approved Version & It’s Hilarious! Watch HERE! ]
Shane Dawson is one of the best, with over SIX MILLION subscribers to his channel!
And for his parody of Taylor Swift‘s Blank Space, he really went all out with a crazy, over-the-top, NSFW stalker version of the song!
Unfortunately now when you try to see the video, all you see is a message from Sony saying:

“This video contains content from Sony ATV Publishing, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”

But the thing is, even if what you’re singing over is copyrighted, parody is protected by law. So what makes this parody different from all the rest?
[ Video: These Moms Parody Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Because A Momma Needs Her Coffee! ]
Shane doesn’t think it has anything to do with copyright.
He thinks it’s because Sony hates it! Ch-ch-check out his (also NSFW) response (below)!

Shane’s video is pretty darn gross and violent, but protecting free speech is about protecting ALL of it — violent stalker parodies, assassination comedies, everything!
For now, you can see the entire video HERE. But we’re guessing not for long!

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Dec 24, 2014 19:28pm PDT