Taylor Swift Snuggles With Trouble On Video Set!

Aw Swifty!
Are you time traveling back to your decade of birth (1990s) for new music video I Knew You Were Trouble (above)?!
And who is that bowler hatted young man you’re with?! That’s no Harry Styles from One Direction!
Well whatever Taylor Swift is doing in these pictures from the Downtown LA set of her latest vid, we LIKE! And we’re totally digging that pink-tipped, shorter hair!
She’s so adaptable that T-Swizzle!
Just a month go we were peeking at a vintage, parisian young thang in the gorgeous, romantic visuals for State of Grace, and now girl seems to perfectly embody an angsty, punky pop tart who is in love with a TROUBLESOME young man! Talented to the maxiums!
Check out OH so many more I Knew You Were Trouble on set snaps (below)!
[Image via WENN.]