Taylor Swift Gifts Another Nearly Unrecognizable Look For Wonderland! Eyebrows On Fleek!!!

This is Taylor Swift unlike we’ve seen her before! But really. She’s practically a brunette!
The spread from her Wonderland issue has finally been revealed, and after seeing her cover, we probably should have expected something along these lines.
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Leaving her ultra flirty ensems behind, Tay takes on an almost androgynous look with one of the more striking shots — and she surprisingly owns it!
Of course, considering her latest album went in a bit of a new direction — it’s almost fitting that she would for this shoot! Though the rest of the editorial is a bit more familiar, thanks to retro-inspired frocks, classic pumps, and one very cozy sweater.
Keep doing what you’re doing, gurl! Oh, and by the way, your eyebrow game is feroshhh!
[Image via Wonderland.]