Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Could Be Headed To The United Nations If Ted Cruz Gets Elected!

These two would be friends…
Ted Cruz has somehow made his way to the top of the GOP Presidential Nomination race ever since he scored the number one spot at the Iowa Caucus, but his latest political blunder will hopefully knock him down a few pegs.
While speaking at a campaign rally in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Friday morning Teddy Boy got onto the topic of which public figures he thinks would make good diplomats in the future.
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But for some reason, the words out of his mouth were that he thinks Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson would be a really good United Nations ambassador, saying:

“Imagine for a second, Phil Robertson ambassador to the United Nations.
You know what? There is a reason why he terrifies the mainstream media. He says things you’re not supposed to say. He actually remembers who we are as Americans. He speaks it with a joy. Not with anger, not with hatred ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ with a joy.”

How is saying homosexuality is not logical anything but hatred, Ted?
We guess if Donald Trump can make the transition from reality TV to politics, anyone can.
[Image via Ted Cruz/Instagram.]