Is Ted Cruz The Zodiac Killer? Poll Shows Nearly 40% Of People Think The Presidential Candidate Might Be The Uncaught Murderer!

OK so this probably isn’t true…
But still, it makes for a REALLY funny poll!!!
Ted Cruz, currently running for President as part of the Republican Party, apparently reminds nearly 40% of Floridians of the Zodiac Killer, a notorious serial killer from the late 1960s in northern California!
Related: Cruz Goes After Donald Trump HARD!
Public Policy Polling released a poll on Thursday showing that nearly 40% of respondents in Florida weren’t sure if Cruz was actually the serial killer.
What the what?!
Here’s the breakdown (below):

Perhaps because people think he’s the Zodiac Killer, barely anybody wants to vote for him right now, either:

So we are fairly certain Cruz isn’t the Zodiac Killer — he was born in 1970, after the Zodiac committed many of his crimes — but, uh, well… guess you never know?!
Maybe those were just the Donald Trump voters…
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN/San Francisco Chronicle.]