Dear Tennessee Senator Stacey Campfield... This SUCKS

We are super shocked that the lovely, tolerant, and respectful Mr. Campfield would do such a thing…
Notoriously anti-gay Tennessee Senator Stacey Campfield has once again proven to be an insensitive human being.
Surprisingly, the politician welcomes open discourse from his Tennessee constituents…
BUT upon receiving a recent email calling him out on his “Don’t Say Gay” bill that BANS the mention of anything “gay” related from kindergarten to 8th grade — and even asks teachers to inform parents if they think their child may be gay(!) — Stacey replied to the concerned citizen by telling them to seek therapy!
Wow. We’re REALLY glad a person like this holds (a slight) influence in American politics!
Read the whole e-mail exchange …AFTER THE JUMP!!!
E-mail from citizen:

“I am appalled at your thought of [the bill] and how it will protect children. I [used] to be proud to call Tennessee my home but after this I am not so sure. Your mind set is pathetic as well as this bill. I encourage you to change your mind or you will make a bunch of people very upset. Imagine, if you have kids and one was gay, how this bill would affect them and you.”

Senator Stacey’s reply:

“You seem to have some serious, deep anger issues. Have you ever thought about therapy? I hear they are doing some wonderful things with medications these days.
Yours in service,
Sen. Stacey Campfield