#ThankYouMattDamon, But The Internet Isn't Here For The Great Wall's White Savior Bullshit

Once again, Hollywood is being accused of whitewashing — and rightfully so!
Matt Damon‘s new movie called The Great Wall is essentially about how a white man needs to come in and save China… and needless to say, Twitter is NOT having it!
While attending last night’s premiere, comedian Jenny Yang started the sarcastic hashtag #ThankYouMattDamon to address the white-savior message of the film.
Related: Matt Reacts To George Clooney Becoming A Father!
The funny writer said:

Asians on Twitter quickly took note and started sharing funny stories of how The Martian star taught them about their own culture:

The list goes on and on and on! Yasss!
[Image via Legendary Entertainment.]