The Duggars Continue To Support Josh Duggar During His Sex Rehab Stay

The Duggars aren’t giving up on Josh Duggar just yet.
According to a family source, the huge brood have sent “notes of forgiveness” to Josh while he recovers from a pornography and sex addiction in an undisclosed location. The eldest Duggar has been at the center since August following revelations that he cheated on his wife Anna Duggar with multiple women through the website Ashley Madison.
Related: Isolated Anna Isn’t Allowed To ‘Get Mad’ At Josh
The insider, however, made it clear that not all of the Duggars are on board the forgiveness train. While the confidante didn’t reveal these defectors, we have a feeling they’re talking about Jessa Duggar and Amy Duggar King. Ever since the scandal, the girls have been fairly vocal about their bitter feelings toward J.D.
As for any family visits, Jim Bob Duggar and one of his sons were recently spotted at an Illinois airport where Josh’s alleged rehab is located. Sources say the trip only lasted for a few hours.
So, are YOU surprised most of the Duggars still support Josh?
[Image via Instagram.]