The Expendables 2 Not So Expendable After All! Dominates Box Office For Second Weekend!

We will never again question the power of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and a whole lotta’ testosterone and explosions!
For the second weekend in a row, The Expendables 2 came in number one at the box office, with $13.5 million!
And while nothing else changed in the top five – The Bourne Legacy, ParaNorman, The Campaign, and The Dark Knight Rises all once again followed suit – Joseph Gordon-Levitt‘s new action flick, Premium Rush, BARELY edged past that pesky anti-Obama flick, 2016, making $6.3 million to the documentary’s $6.23 million!
Oh yeah, and don’t even ASK about that horror flick with Ashley Greene and Draco Malfoy.
It didn’t even make the top ten!
However, you can check out what DID…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
The Expendables 2
The Bourne Legacy
The Campaign
The Dark Knight Rises
The Odd Life Of Timothy Greene
Premium Rush
2016: Obama’s America
Hope Springs
Hit and Run