True Blood Star Expecting Another Baby!

Three is company!
After welcoming twins to the world last year, The Killing‘s Jamie Anne Allman and her husband True Blood‘s Marshall Allman apparently have a third on the way!
And it couldn’t have happened to a cuter couple!
The pregnant momma is in fact VERY pregnant, and expects to pop out her baby girl in June!
You heard us right! This fabulous couple are expecting a GIRL!!!
Which is especially nice since the couple’s twins were two boys – named Asher and Oliver! Now they soon will officially have the most perfect family!
However this may not be the last child for these television stars! Jamie Anne has previously expressed her desire for SIX children! Which, according to our calculations, means she has three more to go after this one!
Here’s what she said after the birth of her twin boys:

“I kind of want maybe four more. I think it’s really amazing to have a big family. I’ve always wanted one.”

Wow! That would be ridiculous!
Ridiculously cute!!!
Congratulations to this family on their most ah-mazing news! We wish this momma some happy and safe poppin’ days ahead!
[Image via Nikki Nelson/WENN.]