This Mom’s Incredible Invention Allowed Her Disabled Son To Walk! Now It’s Helping Kids All Over The World! Watch How It Works HERE!

We’ve got a candidate for mother of the CENTURY right here!
Debby Elnatan’s son Rotem was born with cerebral palsy. When he was just two years old, doctor’s told Debby that Rotem didn’t even know what his legs were, never the less how to use them. He was supposed to be wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life.
But Debby didn’t want to just accept that. She wanted to give her son the childhood he deserved.
Determined to see him walk, she constructed a piece of equipment that connected Rotem and his legs to her. With Rotem in a harness strapped around her waist, Debby was able to walk around with her son, who walked with her in tandem!
The invention, called The Upsee Harness, changed the family’s lives!
And now, the Upsee is being tested by others around the world on kids who couldn’t walk just like Rotem!
But they’re walking now!
Ch-ch-check out the truly heartwarming video below to see the Upsee in action!
The smiles on these kids’ faces is all the proof we need to know just how great an invention this is!