Help Your Pet Go Green

Here area some Tips on how to help limit your pet’s carbon paw-print.

The Box:

Your cats ability to use a litter box really gives them a leg up on dogs. But your cat’s clay litter has has harsh chemicals that aren’t biodegradable. Pine-based litters such as Feline Pine or Feline Fresh are biodegradable. Some can be used as compost or mulch, or just simply flushed away.For a greener and cheaper litter box, experiment with making your own. Some liners also are biodegradable.

If you├óΓé¼Γäóre really adventurous, try the Feline Evolution CatSeat Cat Toilet Training Seat. (Yes, it’s an actual thing).

For birds and smaller animals, check for Green Pet products ( with the PureLite Process, which destroys mold spores and is biodegradable.


Not all bug busters are chemical.

The Anibio Tic-Clip repels fleas and ticks using an electromagnetic charge.

Garlic tablets may help your outdoor animal friends ward off fleas, ticks — and vampires — but check with your veterinarian to see which type would work best for your pet.

[Image via WENN.]