Tom Brady

JAW-DROPPING Amount Tom Brady & Gisele Bündchen Lost In FTX Crash Revealed!

Whoa! We just learned how much Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen actually lost in that crypto crash last year, and we are floored!

OK, so rewind. Before their divorce, Tom and Gisele got into business with a guy named Sam Bankman-Fried, whose company FTX, a cryptocurrency marketplace, was blowing up. This “wunderkind” was getting lots of celebs to shill his site, but the former New England Patriots QB was his top ambassador. He and Gisele appeared in ads, spoke at conferences, and posted on social about the brilliance of FTX.

It all came crashing down in November 2022. We don’t know finance, but near as we can tell most of what this SBF guy was telling everyone was a lie — and when the scheme was discovered a TON of people lost their money. Mostly it was regular joes who were convinced they were making a hot investment — partially because heroes like Tom Brady were doing it. But Tom and Gisele paid for the mistake, too.

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We knew they were into the business for a lot, but DAMN. The New York Times revealed on Thursday in a bombshell report that the NFL great invested a whopping $30 million into the company. His supermodel wife invested $18 mil of her own cash!

That’s $48 million they lost! Yowza!

Remember, Tom’s net worth is (was??) $250 million, and Gisele’s was $400 mil. So they’ll be fine. But $48 million just gone. Wow.

In exchange for their investment, they got FTX stock options, which of course are now completely worthless. Innerestingly they could lose more than that — because they may have to pay taxes on the investment! Ouch! Not to mention the couple may face even more dire consequences — thanks to their evangelizing about FTX, they’ve been named in a class action lawsuit, along with other celebs who did ads, including Shaquille O’Neal and Larry David.

Tom hasn’t spoken about the FTX crash publicly, but Gisele was asked about it in a Vanity Fair profile earlier this year. She said:

“I was blindsided. I’m no different than everyone else that trusted the hype… It’s just… terrible. I’m so sorry for all of us that this happened, and I just pray that justice gets made.”

Um… Justice might turn out to be her paying out even MORE to victims of the scheme who say it was Tom and Gisele who sold them on FTX!

What do YOU think? Have these two paid enough?? Or do they owe the other victims more??

[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]