Tom Cruise Was Rejected!!!

Following the death of Heath Ledger, Tom Cruise put his hat in the ring for a part in The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus to help complete Ledger’s last film role.

But director Terry Gilliam wouldn’t have it because Cruise never knew the late Ledger personally.

Gilliam says of Cruise’s offer:

“I’m not sure if it was Tom or his agent. I know there was a period when Tom’s agents were keen. The thing is, I was only interested in people who were friends of Heath. Simple as that. I wanted to keep it in the family.”

As we know, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell ended up taking over as different versions of Ledger’s character for the film.

Great choices, Terry.

Best to leave Tom and his buddy Xenu out of it!

[Image via WENN.]