Tony Parker Is Taking Refuge In Basketball Post Eva Longoria

Tony Parker is still trying to recover from his divorce with Eva Longoria. The hardest part is leaving it all behind when he steps onto the basketball court.

Said Parker:

“The most important thing is to stay strong mentally, even if these are very difficult times, I’ve take refuge in basketball because that’s what I’ve done best since my youth.”

He’s apparently channeling the negative emotions he’s feeling into positive on-court performance, because the Spurs are almost unstoppable this season.

Continued Parker:

“You have to know how to keep things in perspective. I am, first of all, a basketball player. I’ve done this for so very long ├óΓé¼┬ª For me, it’s been essential to be successful on the court.”

We just hope Eva has found something to keep her mind occupied as well!!

[Image via Mavrix Online.]