Triathlete Gives Up First Place Victory To Help Stumbling Younger Brother Cross The Finish Line! Watch The Heartwarming Video!

So much for sibling rivalry!
British triathlete Alistair Brownlee ruined his own chances of winning the gold at the World Triathlon Series so he could carry his dehydrated brother to the finish line!
Jonathan Brownlee was in first place over the weekend at the race in Cozumel, Mexico — but started wobbling near the end of the 6.2 mile running portion of the triathlon.
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With only a few hundred meters left, the athlete began to shake and came to a halt, until his 28-year-old brother rounded the corner and scooped Jonny up to help him finish!
As South Africa’s Henri Schoeman pulled ahead, Alistair supported Johnny in his arm until they reached the finish line — where he pushed his 26-year-old brother ahead of him to secure second place.
Alistar, who took bronze in the race, told NBC Sports after the finish:

“Obviously, it was a quite good race. It was going almost perfectly and then I saw my brother wobbling in front of me, the very obvious signs of overheating and I knew I had to help him to the finish line. Obviously, for his position but also if anyone was in that position I would have helped them across the finish line to get medical help as quickly as possible.”

Now that’s a true testament to brotherhood!
Jonny was sent to the hospital after the race, which he documented on Twitter along with a thank you to his brother:

What a couple of good sports!
Ch-ch-check out a clip of the race (below) to see the photo finish!

[Image via Facebook/NBC Sports.]