Tyson Beckford's Workout Regime Is INSANE -- But The Results Are Too Good To Stop!

Ah, Tyson Beckford. Those are some abs we could definitely use as uncomfortable pillows!
Tyson’s body is ridiculously cut — and it takes a lot of hard work to keep it that way! Luckily, he loves modeling… so it’s entirely worth it!
LOLz! It’s worth it to us, too!
At 42 years old, he has to put a little bit of extra effort into it too! He does things on the daily, like regular cardio exercises like cycling and jump-roping, 600 sit-ups and 200 to 1,000 push-ups.
He also doesn’t partake in sugary foods, red meat OR alcohol! Instead, he eats healthy things like seafood, vegetables and healthy fats.
One thing he doesn’t understand as a model, is how other models survive on Diet Coke and cigarettes! Here’s what he said about that:

‘I don’t know how they do it, I can’t do it – I need to have some real food in my stomach. I don’t even drink soda, I don’t smoke. I avoid it all.’

Well your way DEFINITELY works too!
And sounds infinitely healthier!! We wish other models would take this kind of healthy stance — we worry about a lot of them!
As always, Tyson, you look fab! Keep up the hard work, it pays off for sure!!
[Image via WENN.]