Bono Says Injury May Prevent Him From Playing Guitar For U2 Ever Again!

So scary!
The frontman of the one of the most popular bands ever – U2 – recently disclosed how his recent injury may prevent him from playing guitar ever again!
That’s right, Bono!!
He divulged a bit about his injury on his band’s website and how the injuries he sustained in a bike accident are more serious than anyone may have thought! Like may never play guitar again kind of serious!
[ Related: U2 Has To Postpone Tonight Show Residency After Bono Gets Into A Biking Accident! ]
And it’s all super terrifying to think about!
Here’s what Bono wrote:

“This is too long.
You should not have time to read this.
If you do get to the end of it then you are probably on the same painkillers as me.
For the last few weeks I haven’t been able to move around physically so I have more than made up for it by leaving my mind to wanderlust, untethered except electronically…
I have written words for new songs, but I have also had an opportunity to look back and review the year in a way I’ve never had time to do before… there have been more highs than lows, but perhaps the reason for this A TO Z endeavor is an attempt to learn from mistakes – the first of which is the discovery that I am not an armored vehicle. Edge says I look at my body as an inconvenience…The problem, as I see it, is that I think my head is harder than any other surface.
On the day of my 50th birthday I received an injury because I was over indulging in exercise boxing and cycling, which was itself an overcompensation for overindulging on alcohol coming up to the big birthday. I promised myself I would be more mindful of my limits, but just four years on, it happened again – a massive injury I can’t blame on anyone but myself, mainly because I blanked out on impact and have no memory of how I ended up in New York Presbyterian with my humerus bone sticking through my leather jacket. Very punk rock as injuries go.
The consequences of this freak accident are significant enough that I will have to concentrate hard to be ready for the U2 tour in fitness terms├óΓé¼┬ª as a result I have cancelled every public appearance and decided this missive is all the communication I can manage for the first half of 2015, beyond muttering and singing to myself of course.”

At the end of that, Bono later wrote and revealed exactly what injuries he has, writing:

“I broke my hand, my shoulder, my elbow and my face but the real injury this year was to my Irish pride as it was discovered that under my tracksuit I was wearing yellow and black Lycra cycling shorts. Yes, LYCRA. This is not very rock ‘n’ roll.
Recovery has been more difficult than I thought… As I write this, it is not clear that I will ever play guitar again. The band have reminded me that neither they nor Western civilization are depending on this.
I personally would very much miss fingering the frets of my green Irish falcon or my (RED) Gretsch. Just for the pleasure, aside from writing tunes. But then does the Edge, or Jimmy Page, or any guitarist you know have a titanium elbow, as I do now? I’m all elbows, I am.”

Oh wow!
We really hope Bono is able to rest up and get one hundred percent better!
The world needs him… and U2, too… to be as fit as a fiddle so he can rock faces.
If anyone can rest up and start wailing on the guitar again, it’s Bono, right?