Urban Coyotes Don't Mess Around! They're Completely Monogamous

What?! You’ve never seen a coyote take the train to work before?
Scientists have found out that when it comes to mating, stray urban coyotes..well…never stray!
The study, conducted by The Ohio State University found that out of 236 coyotes living near Chicago, NONE of them cheated on their mates.
Zero! Nada! NONE!!!!
While other mostly monogamous species (foxes, mountain bluebirds) are tempted by the Gomorrahs of urban life, coyotes remain faithful.
However, this means one tiny problem…they multiply better!
Due to their monogamous relationships, mates can produce larger litters. And when the father is present, the chances a pup survives increases.
So, be on the lookout for coyotes sitting your cabin…there’s going to be A LOT of them!