Usher Was Reportedly Drooling Over Tessa Thompson At The Black Panther Premiere -- BEFORE His Split Announcement!

Sounds like Usher was barking up the wrong tree!
The newly single star was apparently quite taken with Tessa Thompson at the premiere of Black Panther last month — so much so he may have made a fool of himself!
Video: We’re Actually Shipping Tessa & Janelle Mon├â┬íe So…
A source told Page Six the Yeah! singer was on the hook after posing alongside the Thor: Ragnarok scene stealer and Janelle Monae on the red carpet:

“They were talking to Janelle and he and Tessa had flirty body language.”

That actually sounds promising.

“…then he seemed to be following [Thompson] around like a lost puppy.”

Ooh. Less so.
In fact, the witness says when she “walked away, he followed like a puppy looking for more attention.”
Onlookers supposedly found his overt interest more confusing than anything — this was weeks before he announced his split from his wife though apparently after they had already separated.
So maybe that’s why she was less interested. And not because she has the Internet on her phone
[Image via Faye Sadou/Media Punch.]