Being Vegetarian Is Bad For Your Health?? New Study Finds Meat-Free Folks Are Less Healthy Than Meat-Eaters!

Remember when we said that jogging might actually be bad for your health??
Well now vegetarianism has been outed as not all that healthy after all!
New research has found that vegetarians are generally less healthy and have a worse quality of life than their meat-eating counterparts.
That’s so crazy! We would’ve never expected that!
The study found that vegetarians are more prone to allergies, double the risk, and generally visit their doctors more often. What’s most shocking though is the 50% increase in cancer and heart attack risk!
On the mental side of things, stuff doesn’t get much better! Vegetarians are more likely to experience depression and anxiety.
A researcher in the Austrian study, said:

“Our study has shown that Austrian adults who consume a vegetarian diet are less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), have a lower quality of life, and also require more medical treatment. Therefore, a continued strong public health program for Austria is required in order to reduce the health risk due to nutritional factors.”

This is all preliminary research though, and more studies would be necessary before any dietary changes were recommend.
Vegetarians do tend to work out more, have a lower BMI and are less likely to smoke and drink too much.
That’s probably because they’re generally health conscious people. We wonder how they’ll react to being made conscious of this new research!