Jersey Shore's Vinny Continues To Help, Sets Up New Website For Anxiety!

Who knew that Vinny Guadagnino would be such a good voice for people with anxiety out there??
As unexpected as it is, we’re loving that the Jersey Shore star is using his fame this way!
On Thursday night’s episode, Vinny unapologetically explained to the house why he wanted to leave the Shore to get better. It was a powerful moment with a powerful message for a show that prides itself on people doing terrible things.
It was unexpected and fantastic, and could be the best episode the show has ever had.
After the show, Vinny publicly release his new website, It’s a place for people to learn more about stress and anxiety. It also serves as a catalyst for people to speak up about their own struggles and provide info on how to get help!
While we love this and are glad that it’s happening, we wish the show would take a page from it and realize that it can be a source of positivity for important things, not just a huge mess of people getting drunk and acting like idiots.
How amazing would it be if that happened??
Of course, they’d have to keep most of the dramz — but tackling issues in the house could be a mesmerizing thing.