Cool VonZipper Charity Donates Glasses To Those In Need

Whoa! This is awesome!
VonZipper is an amazing glasses company that has helped to accessorize the eyes of such famous celebs as Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, and Kanye West.
And now, they have a new program called Charity for Clarity, which donates one optical frame for every frame sold. Watch their inspirational video (above)!
They are hoping to change lives by providing the gift of sight, which couldn’t be lovelier! The program states that:

“Throughout the world the cost of eyeglasses is far beyond the reach of the needy. In many developing nations the cost of a frame can be the equivalent to one year’s salary. Without assistance, thousands of people go without the glasses they need to read, work, attend school and do the everyday activities that we take for granted.
The retina revolutionaries from VonZipper are here to fight for the right of site, as it is our mission to bring the vision! We feel that it is important to share our success and that you will share our focus. So join us in giving something back and become a pupillary missionary!”

U can help out by checking out their incredible collection of frames HERE and hopefully, buying a pair!