Waffle House Shooting Hero Starts GoFundMe For Victims' Families!

James Shaw Jr. is a hero — whether he believes it or not.
The 29-year-old man who disarmed a gunman at a Tennessee Waffle House Sunday is not through helping.
First he told the country he wasn’t a hero in his press conference (we recommend watching the entire powerful story above!) despite ripping the AR-15 out of the arms of a man who had already killed four people.
Related: Sandy Hook Parents File Defamation Lawsuit Against Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones
Now he’s using his growing renown to start a GoFundMe page to raise money for the families of those who were killed.
His goal was $15,000; as of this writing he has raised over $46K! In less than a day!
You can be a hero too — by doing what “anybody could have” and donating HERE.